Gridiron Camp Series

Camps + Clinics Led by NFA Pro Staff

We've partnered with the National Football Academies (NFA), an elite football training organization, to offer the highest level of training in the game of football.

This Camp Series will incorporate educational training for coaches followed by training sessions for Gridiron players led alongside NFA’s Elite Clinic. View the Clinic and Camp Options below:

Elite Coach's Clinic

Our Camp Series kicks off each Friday night with a Certification Clinic for youth football coaches of any level. At this 2-day event, youth football coaches are instructed by nationally acclaimed NFA Senior Pro Staff Coaches.

The evening session Day 1 will pair classroom instruction with on-field demonstration. On Day 2, newly certified coaches can work with their player(s) on the field at the Gridiron Day Camp.

$15 per Coach; Includes a Gridiron Elite Coach Hat

For coaches of any experience level.

Gridiron Day Camp

The Gridiron Day Camp offers an exciting 2.5 hour training session focused on movement patterns, throwing the ball, and catching skills. Coached by Gridiron Elite Certified Coaches + NFA Pro Staff Coaches, players at this camp will grow in fundamental techniques for skill-specific positions through drills & competition. A fun and dynamic event!

$75 per Player; Includes a Gridiron X NFA Camp T-Shirt

For kids ages 5-10 of any experience level; check your location details page for more info.

NFA Immersion Camp

NFA’s Immersion Camps are comprehensive training experiences for Quarterbacks and Receivers who are pursuing excellence. Athletes have exclusive access to the very same development, evaluation, education and leadership as the NFL’s and NCAA biggest stars. Professional training curriculum powered by NFA to deliver a one of kind premium experience.

2-Day Camp: $289 $269* per Athlete; Includes a Gridiron X NFA Camp T-Shirt
*Exclusive price only through the Gridiron X NFA Camp Series!

For quarterbacks and receivers ages 10-18


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