“My name is Vanita, and I’m here with Gridiron Football to talk about leadership. I am the Quarterback, and leadership does kind of automatically fall on us a lot because, I get to call the plays, I get to look for the shots, who I'm going to throw to, how the defense adjusted. But I don't think a leadership only comes from a Quarterback. It comes from all of your teammates– it comes from the safety, it comes from the DBs. So a leadership person communicates with each other. But as you're communicating with each other, they also have to be a good listener. So I think you have to show that you're vulnerable, you're willing to adjust and be flexible, but you're willing to show your voice, share a thought. And I think leadership comes in working together and taking those steps together. So yeah, I'm going to call the huddle together; I’m going to call the play. But maybe at the same time I called the wrong play. But we learn something from it. So my teammate comes back and they say, ‘hey, why don't we try this?’ And so they're showing their leadership. And then I have to be a leader and just be a good listener with it. So I think being a leader is talking, listening and working together.”
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